

Flutter is a software which is an open-source UI (user interface) development kit created by google.What is meant by user interface? it refers to users design that means a user have an opportunity to create or craft a style to their app/software UI design typically refers to graphical user interface(ex,windows 8 is an OS which gives support to communicate with electronic devices such as hardware). Flutter is used to develop applications for android,iOS,windows,mac and linux..etc.As you have to know that developers of flutter are from Web development background.While writing the code similarly look-alike HTML,CSS.


Well we all think about the java(android),swift(iOS) to develop the apps. They were having each platform to write the code. But here the flutter uses dart language which comes into the scene by reducing the complicated stuff. Dart is an programming language created by google to develop apps on multiple platforms like desktop,mobile,server and web applications. It is object oriented programming,garbage-collected language(free-up memory that no longer used by the objects and variables).

For example,let's take a scenario of Henry who is an android and iOS developer. He learnt java and swift for respective platforms. He used to develop apps. It sounds cool....Releasing the app, after sometime maintenance scenario comes into the picture, if he wants to release a new update in the app it's got complicated!He has to go through lot's...of work.

As Flutter made it simple, by writing a single code to both platforms and to maintain it. 


  • Apps in iOS and Android Store's


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