C Language

C is a general-purpose,computer programming language developed at AT & T's Bell Laboratories of USA in 1972. It was written by "Dennis Ritchie" who was the father of C language. C is the advanced language, which features you can't see in B and BCPL languages. B and BCPL are "typeless" languages, typeless means there are no rules to write a language. C used to make utilities running on UNIX (utilities like cat used to create a single or multiple files). C language is a high level language i.e it is human readable and easy to understand.The language is converted from high level language to low level language(Hardware Understandable) using C compiler.

Why C Language 

For Beginners, C seems so popular because it is reliable,simple and easy to use. It is the basic thing to deal with problem. A problem can be solvable. Suppose if you want to calculate 99999+99999=199998 it was quite complex so that you can use a automation 
tools to calculate it or you can write the program to solve the above addition of two numbers. language can't solve your hunger,anger these comes under unsolvable and cannot be programmable. So C language is the basic programming language need to  learn and has certain rules to write a program further you can migrate to C++,C# and Java.

For example, learning C is ABCD's in alphabet you hold this basic to know the other high level languages like C++, Python. Comparisons among these languages may vary. If you see every sentence in English ended up with full stop, But in C language it 
ends with ";" (semicolon). In Python there is no any thing to end with. When it comes to python the developers has removed the ";" and changed the syntax. There you can see that the new language has reduced complexity to write program in your own way.


  • Major parts of operating systems.
  • DirectX.
  • Hardware devices which use low memory(Embedded Systems).


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