What is Python


Python is high level(user understandable), interpreted, general-purpose programming language created by "Guido Van Rossum" in 1991. This language is used to write clear code with whitespace. Python used for large projects also. It has it's own garbage collector so that unused variables are destroyed. Python is dynamically typed, structured, functional and object oriented programming language. Python has it's own libraries or you can create your own library. Python 2 and 3 version's are running currently. It was open source and non profit organization(free). Python uses Interpreter and it reads line-to-line in program and executes it. For example, interpreter used in networking devices like routers to read line to line code that can maintain error free. So that you can receive data packet completely or can loose some data packets.

In the case of Bob, who is an programmer and hacker uses python for large scale projects. He can create malware scripts and automation tools by using python language.


  • BitTorrent
  • YouTube
  • Dropbox
  • Hacking..elsewhere


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