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Static vs Dynamic Typed Languages

Static Typing/Typed A variable need not to be defined before they are not used. To use a variable that is done by explicit declaration.        For example,        /* C language code */        #include<stdio.h>        void main()        {           static int sum,num; // explicit declaration               sum = 0;//use variables               num = 10;           sum = sum + num;               printf("%d",sum);        } Before using a variable must have to declare them. C, C++ and Java are statically typed languages. Errors are shown at compile time.        int a = "50";//error shown after execution Dynamic Typing...

What is Python

Python Python is high level(user understandable), interpreted, general-purpose programming language created by " Guido Van Rossum " in 1991. This language is used to write clear code with whitespace. Python used for large projects also. It has it's own garbage collector so that unused variables are destroyed. Python is dynamically typed, structured, functional and object oriented programming language. Python has it's own libraries or you can create your own library. Python 2 and 3 version's are running currently. It was open source and non profit organization(free). Python uses Interpreter and it reads line-to-line in program and executes it. For example, interpreter used in networking devices like routers to read line to line code that can maintain error free. So that you can receive data packet completely or can loose some data packets. In the case of Bob, who is an programmer and hacker uses python for large scale projects. He can create malware scr...

What is Java

Java Language Story of Java Java Project was initiated by three members in June 1991, one of them was James Gosling who was a Canadian computer scientist and other was Mike and Patrick(Software developer). A Oak Tree has been in Gosling's Office so he named the language firstly Oak and secondly Green, later Java from a Java coffee. Sun Microsystems is an American company released the first version of java.    Java is general-purpose, class-based, object-oriented  programming language.  It was similar to C/C++ syntax style. Java has feature called " write once,run anywhere ". Java can run on all platforms. It has specific environment to setup. Java applications are typically converted to "bytecode" on Java Virtual Machine. Once the program was written and sent through JVM, it will be converted into portable byte code. Java bytecode is similarly comparable to machine code. Java contains methods, thread, applet. Suppose anyone can develop app...

What is C++

C++ Language C++ is a programming language created by " Stroustrup " who was a danish computer scientist. It was extension of C language, consisting features of functional and object-oriented programming. It is also generic programming language(Different style of programming). In generic programming, algorithm can be written in  types that which compiler knows how the programmer uses the data. Object oriented programming is nothing but objects in a program, where in C language everyone write "class" with that classes you can create objects which are used in real world. C++ has it's own compiler to execute the program like Dev C++. Suppose, If you want to build a house first thing to create a blue print and then accumulate resources to build the house. In this scenario, the blue print(planning) is class and you had created a house that is object. Applications MySQL written in C++ Games  GUI Interface Apple OS X written in C++ Firefox ...

What is Haskell

Haskell Language Haskell is general-purpose, computer programming language. It is statically typed language i.e, it indicates the error line into red that went wrong in the program and it won't wait to execute the program. It was purely functional language i.e, given arguments are passed to the function. Haskell runs in a lazy evaluation method that means your provided arguments are not read before sending to the function. This is totally a different programming language. Here is Henry, who is a banker uses Haskell for financial purpose. He use this language to find out the risk in the financial counterpart. Applications Financial Sector Google Project (Geneti) NVIDIA (Hand-written tools) 


C Language C is a general-purpose,computer programming language developed at AT & T's Bell Laboratories of USA in 1972. It was written by " Dennis Ritchie" who was the father of C language. C is the advanced language, which features you can't see in B and BCPL languages. B and BCPL are "typeless" languages, typeless means there are no rules to write a language. C used to make utilities running on UNIX (utilities like cat used to create a single or multiple files). C language is a high level language i.e it is human readable and easy to understand.The language is converted from high level language to low level language(Hardware Understandable) using C compiler. Why C Language  For Beginners, C seems so popular because it is reliable,simple and easy to use. It is the basic thing to deal with problem. A problem can be solvable. Suppose if you want to calculate 99999+99999= 199998 it was quite complex  so that  you  can  use a automation  ...


Flutter Flutter is a software which is an open-source UI (user interface) development kit created by google.What is meant by user interface? it refers to users design that means a user have an opportunity to create or craft a style to their app/software UI design typically refers to graphical user interface(ex,windows 8 is an OS which gives support to communicate with electronic devices such as hardware). Flutter is used to develop applications for android,iOS,windows,mac and linux..etc.As you have to know that developers of flutter are from Web development background.While writing the code similarly look-alike HTML,CSS. WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF FLUTTER? Well we all think about the java(android),swift(iOS) to develop the apps. They were having each platform to write the code. But here the flutter uses dart language which comes into the scene by reducing the complicated stuff.  Dart is an programming language created by google to develop apps on multiple platforms ...
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